Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Tipper's Family Campground

This past weekend we went camping with Erin and Sean. They have a seasonal campsite near Tweed. The girls went canoeing and fishing. Sean and I sat around the campsite and drank. A good time was had by all.

We also got some video's of our trip.

Amanda Fishing

Amanda and Erin Canoeing

Monday, July 24, 2006

Rooms Blocked for Wedding!!

For all you who will be needing rooms for the night of May 26 2007 I have set aside 35 rooms at the Mcintosh Country Inn for a rate of $89.00 plus tax. Please call 1-888-229-2850 to make reservations and make sure you tell them it is for the Brown-Garlough wedding in order to get the discount rates. I would suggest to book early since there is only 1 hotel in town!!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Wedding Shoes!

These are my beautiful shoes that I will be wearing to the wedding. Can you tell I am excited??

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Drunken Saturday

A typical day in the neighborhood. We're fortunate enough to have some really great neighbors and we have a lot of fun together. Most days you'll find us all in the backyard having some drinks and just hanging out. We've made some great friends living here!!

Dustin and Sara
Me, Sara and Shawn
Dee and Dave
Shawn and Sara
Jay and Dave

Jay and Rob

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Got my G1!!

On thursday June 22nd I finally went and got my G1 so now I am officially part of the driving world. Rob is going to take me driving this weekend in the country, there may not be a wedding after this!!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Canada Day Weekend

We always like to get away from Ottawa on Canada day since it becomes overly crowded with tourists. This year we went camping with Steph and Luc to Voyaguer Pronvincial Park for 3 nights. What an adventure! This first night we had an encounter with a skunk which thankfully didn't end with anyone being sprayed. We had lots of rain but mostly overnight so we could still enjoy the sun during the day. Overall we had lots of drinks and sun and a very relaxing weekend. Looking forward to the next camping trip!!