Sunday, April 22, 2007

First backyard party of the season

Saturday was 23 degrees here in Ottawa so we thought it would be the perfect time for a neighborhood party in the backyard.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Few more pics!

Here are a few pics of the shower and the party afterwards.

Surprise!! Bridal Shower

My girls threw me a fabulous surprise bridal shower on friday April 6th. To get me there I was told it was a scrapbooking event at the hotel where Steph works, very believable. Heather even had a print out of the email from the scrapbooking lady, Steph put the creative memories meeting on the function board in the hotel lobby and even the reception desk was in on it!!

I think everyone had a great time, there was lots of yummy food the requisite bridal shower games and lots of gifts!! Thanks to everyone for coming!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

OMG!! It's Perez Hilton!

For those of you who don't know who Perez Hilton is he is the queen of all media and has a gossip blog about all the celebrities;

I love him and am on his website at least twice a day but probably more than that.

He was at Algonquin College Apr 4th so Sara and I decided to go!! It was fabulous!

Monday, April 02, 2007